Asset name
Publisher ID
Created at
Asset name
Publisher ID
Created at
Useful Info
With some access points and routers the qubee does not connect to the Wi-Fi network. The issue can happen if the router or access point has 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks and both the networks have the same SSID and the same password. The best way to resolve the issue is to assign a different SSID to one of the two networks.
About the Glossary
This glossary provides definitions and explanations for common terms and concepts related to our platform. It aims to help users better understand the terminology used throughout our website and documentation.
The action the Data Owner takes to approve visibility over his/her asset to a specific Partner who has subscribed to the asset using a designated purpose.
The representation of a data stream, generated by a connected device, within the Data Exchange .
The section of the Data Exchange where companies can post advertisements inviting users to share their data for a specific purpose. The purpose of usage is explained in detail in the related document. Advertisements are usually linked to services that Partners offer in exchange for a visibility over data.
Data Intermediary
An entity providing the infrastructure to implement data sharing and consent management.
Data Origin
A data streams-generating device.
Data Owner
The owner of the data who decides which entities can have visibility over his/her data.
The entity requesting visibility over the data belonging to different individuals within the Data Exchange.
Purpose of Usage
A legal document explaining how the data will be used by the partner making a subscription request.
Subscription Request
The action of declaring oneself interested in data generated by a connected device.
The action the Data Owner takes to revoke visibility over his/her asset to a specific Partner who has subscribed to the asset using a designated purpose.
Useful Info
With some access points and routers the qubee does not connect to the Wi-Fi network. The issue can happen if the router or access point has 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks and both the networks have the same SSID and the same password. The best way to resolve the issue is to assign a different SSID to one of the two networks.
About FAQ
This section provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions in relation to this Data Exchange.
What do the colors of the Qubee and the values in the user app mean?
The Qubee senses the TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) present in the air. The LED of the Qubee changes color based on the TVOC value:
- Values between 125 and 400 result in a green color, indicating good air quality.
- Values between 400 and 1200 result in a yellow color, indicating medium air quality.
- Values above 1200 result in a red color, indicating bad air quality.
The TVOC value and these colors are displayed in the doughnut chart in the user app, accessible through your subscription via the link in the 'Your Data' button.
Additionally, the Qubee LED can also display the following colors (see Manuals > Qubee User Manual for further details):
- Pink for configuration mode
- Blue for the startup phase of the running mode
How do I give visibility to my data through an advertisement?
In the Billboard section, you can view ads posted by Partners. By clicking the "Accept" button, a drop-down menu containing the list of your Assets will appear on the screen. Select the assets you want to make visible and confirm your choice by clicking the "OK" button. Once you have accepted an ad, you will receive a request to subscribe to your asset, which will be automatically approved.
How do I declare that I am not interested in an ad?
In the Billboard section, you can view ads posted by Partners. To reject an advertisement for specific assets, click the "Reject" button. A dropdown menu will appear, allowing you to select the assets for which you want to confirm this action. Click "OK" to finalize your decision. Once you have rejected an ad for particular assets, you will no longer be able to select them in the dropdown list.
Can I add more assets?
At this testing stage, you will not be able to add any Assets other than the Qubee you received.
How do I manage visibility for my Assets?
In the Assets section, click on the "Subscriptions" button to see the list of Partners who have requested visibility over your data. You can accept or revoke visibility according to your wishes by navigating between the two tabs.
How do I know how my data will be used?
In the Assets section, click on the "Subscriptions" button. For each subscription request, you can read the purpose of usage document by clicking on the colored badge.
When can I revoke visibility over my data?
You can revoke visibility over your data for a given purpose of usage at any time from an Asset's list of Subscriptions.
What kind of messages can Partners send me?
In the "Messages" section, Partners to whom you have approved visibility over your data can send you a link to give you access to the related service.
What is my own subscription and why is it necessary?
Your subscription allows you to decrypt and access your Qubee data in real-time. It ensures that only you, as the Data Owner, can approve and provide the necessary tools to decrypt the data. For more details, please click on the yellow badge that explains the purpose of your subscription in your subscription section of your Asset.
Useful Info
With some access points and routers the qubee does not connect to the Wi-Fi network. The issue can happen if the router or access point has 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks and both the networks have the same SSID and the same password. The best way to resolve the issue is to assign a different SSID to one of the two networks.
Qubee user manual
Not sure how to configure your Qubee? You can find everything you need in this manual.
Check out the video
Data Exchange User Manual
In this manual you will find all the information you need to easily navigate this Data Exchange.